Hearts Of Iron 4 is a perfect game with absolutley no flaws at all..... OR IS IT? Ok so perhaps it is not the perfect game but today with the spiffing brit we will provide a comprehensive review of hearts of iron 4 also known as hoi4. Note this review contains all hoi4 dlc including waking the tiger. We will talk about multiplayer hearts of iron 4 and hoi4 meta. Naturally with lots of memes involved to keep it exciting and satirical. Latest Drew durnil Magic (Give him some support for a non hoi4 video): https://youtu.be/d_UKqo7aJS8 Open TTD VIDEO: https://youtu.be/ktarSlT_lkw Discord: https://discord.gg/MAuctU Also if you read down to this section of the description there is no prize ok there might be FINE Comment The Sniffing Brit